Randolph County
Humane Society

P.O. Box 785
Elkins, WV 26241

Phone: ​(304) 636-7844


Randolph County
Humane Society

195 Weese Street Ext.
Elkins, WV 26241




Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 12-5 pm
Thursday 12-5 pm
Friday 12-5 pm
Saturday 12-3 pm
Sunday 12-3 pm
Evenings Call for an appointment

The Kelly Fund (Spay/Neuter Fund)

In honor of Kelly Scheidegger’s 20th Anniversary as RCHS Shelter Manager, we have established “The Kelly Fund” to help prevent pet overpopulation.

Kelly knows that spaying and neutering reduces unwanted litters and therefore is the best first line of defense against the problem of pet overpopulation.

We receive more requests for low-cost spaying and neutering assistance than any other service we offer. And because it is Kelly’s passion to provide these services, including our Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return (TNVR) program for community cats in our area, we invite you to donate to The Kelly Fund in her honor!

Funds will be used for the spaying and neutering of pets in our care, our TNVR program, and, if funds are available, low-cost spay/neuter vouchers to support our local community.

You can contribute to this effort by donating in one of three ways:

Neighborhood Investment Program (NIP) Tax Credits

Recently, RCHS was approved as a Neighborhood Investment Program (NIP) organization. That means that West Virginia residents and businesses are eligible to receive state tax credits for donations to our low-income spay/neuter fund!

This program allows us to offer vouchers to low-income Randolph County pet owners to assist them in getting their pets spayed/neutered--as long as funds are available. West Virginia residents or businesses who contribute to the RCHS Low-Income Spay/Neuter Fund are eligible to receive up to 50% of the contributed amount in the form of state tax credits. Donors may use the credits to reduce tax liability for West Virginia personal income tax, corporate net income tax, and business franchise tax.

Contributions can be in the form of cash, personal property, real estate, stock and in-kind professional services. Generally, a tax credit is more beneficial to the donor than a tax deduction. The minimum eligible donation is $500.

PLEASE NOTE: RCHS has issued all of its available NIP credits. We will update this page with information on how you can donate and receive NIP credits when they become available again. In the meantime, please consider donating to The Kelly Fund to help end pet overpopulation.

The Neighborhood Investment Program (NIP) was established by the West Virginia Legislature in 1996 to increase charitable giving to local nonprofit organizations in order to increase the capacity of nonprofits to serve low-income persons in highly distressed neighborhoods. RCHS is proud to be a part of this program.


If you have questions about how to make a contribution to the Kelly Fund, please contact RCHS President Tina Vial, or Shelter Manager Kelly Scheidegger.

Thanks for your support!

How You Can Help

Learn more about how you can help the animals by adopting, sponsoring or fostering a pet; donating money or supplies; or volunteering with RCHS.